Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Anlyan Report. Marin Market Statistics 11.27.2007

Hello Everyone,

The Marin County real estate market slows down every year during the period between Thanksgiving and the new year, and this year is no exception. Inventory and market activity are down, but are pretty much in the same ballpark as last year, per MarketQuest.

The temptation this time of year is for a lot of buyers and sellers to just put their buying/selling plans on hiatus and wait until after the 1st of the year. This discounts the idea that there is sometimes a lot to be gained from doing what everyone else is not doing. Sellers who have their homes on the market at this time of year are serious about selling, and buyers who are still out looking are serious about buying. There are many excellent opportunities to be had during this time of year.
Waiting until the traditional surge of activity at the beginning of the year puts buyers and sellers in a more crowded and competitive arena.
Buyers and sellers who hang in there now could be getting ready to move at the beginning of the year, while everyone else is still looking. As always, an experienced real estate professional with expertise in the local market is an invaluable asset.
Best wishes to all for the Holidays. There will not be a report for the weeks of December 25 and Jan 1. City-by-City report for November will be out next week.

until then, best wishes to all,
p.s. for spreadsheets, please visit

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